
If you’re looking for more information, or would like to discuss an upcoming project, give us a call or shoot us an email to speak to the friendly team at BowdenCorp.

Sub contractors

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Estimate OneEstimate One

We use EstimateOne to connect us with suppliers and skilled subcontractors who are looking for work. 

As the largest platform for sub-contractors to find and win commercial projects, EstimateOne gives us the opportunity to develop strong, long-term working relationships with local construction professionals. Established in 2008, roughly 70,000 projects have now been tendered through EstimateOne, and they’ve handled over 7.6 million architectural documents. This means they’ve got a track record we trust. 

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At BowdenCorp, we pride ourselves on developing strong, long-term relationships with all those we work with. Fill in the form below or get touch today to learn more about working with our high performing team.